This Is an ongoing Sketchbook project, over the years I have found it exceptionally useful to maintain sketchbooks and am rarely found without one.
I'm going to post My favourite sketches here, Updating as they happen!
Feel free to give feedback or suggestions as they will most likely have been done for practice and fun.

This sketch was mostly due to me watching my way through the first 2 hobbit films in preperation for going to see the 3rd one, I present 'A Random Dwarf' who may or may not get some sort of a backstory later. He is not specifically dased on any of the 13 in particular, more they were his starting point in life.
Since completing the sketch I spoke with the Most Lovely Mr W Phoenix of who has agreed to make me an A4 Copper sketchbook with this guy on the front! I cannot wait to see it.
Ann 20.12.14

General sketching 2014
I do like the idea that the dragon is drooling on him.

StarBunny A small watercolour sketch completed after seeing the film for the second time in the cinema.

Draxx Bunny A small watercolour sketch completed after seeing the film for the second time in the cinema. 2014

Groot being looked after by one of my Bunnies.
A small watercolour sketch completed after seeing the film for the second time in the cinema. 2014

At a recent sketching event in Farset Labs Belfast I was loaded with a cold and therefore doped on lemsip.
This was the suggestion from a friend on how to clear my sinuses. Rest assured I just sketched it I didn't try it!
Feb 2015

Also from the sketching event in Farset, based on a very very small doodle on a post it, He seems like a kindly franken robot thingy.
Feb 2015