Greetings and welcome to my June to August 2016 sketchbook. I was thinking of making one of those sketchbook videos when I realised I didn't really want to talk my way through the book.
So instead, here we have Ann's travelling book.
Started at the beginning of June and completed on 3rd August 2016.
Its one of the Canson A4 books that opens flat as they are reasonably good at not showing through the pages (unless its a comic marker).
As you will likely notice I am a bit of a horder, I stick random sketches in on blank pages and often stick in postcards and such which I am fond of, for example the Bunnies and Bonus levels one is from an Exhibition I had in Belfast in 2014.
Hope you enjoy the book, feel free to leave questions and comments!

Throughout this sketchbook are doodles and planning sketches for the second issue of Bugs and Boiled eggs, originally there were also planning pages for the comic pages, in the interests of avoiding spoilers I have skipped those pages for now.

For Real Sketchy June 2016 in the Black Box Belfast.

This was the final image for a Zine event in Bangor, a cross between a Drink and draw and a Zine making evening. This was the first event for Bang Zine which is planned to run monthly from now on.

The following images are actually from the same sketchbook, just from the back =) I was attempting to keep all of the life drawing images in the same place. So far its been working. Hopefully the class will restart soon as it took a few weeks off for the summer.

Thats it for this sketchbook, Im now starting a new A4 Moleskin one so once thats full I'll post it here too.
Over & Out...