The Small Green Sketchbook...
This Sketchbook was started approximately at the start of May 2017, not all pages have been scanned as I attended a convention and several commissions were worked out within the book, I feel its not appropriate to show these.

Dragon doodles, testing different paints at the start of the sketchbook.

This doodle mermaid went through several stages of OMG what happened as i was still testing inks and paints at the time.she was eventualy recovered to the point i'm pleased with her.

My hand wrting seems to be getting worse.

Paint test spots from a new set of paint.

these two were documented by John see Utube-

On Holiday in Dublin, out for breakfast at Cafe Bach 16 watching the rain plummett down.

This page has irridescent foil to sparkle in the dragons horde, it has not scanned well.